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1.     Habib’s First Train Journey 

2.     Two Foolish Rats and a Cunning Monkey 

3.     Bayazid's Devotion to Mother 

4.     A Liar Shepherd

5.     A Lion and a Mouse

6.     Unity Is Strength 

7.     A thirsty crow and a jar with little water 

8.     Slow and steady wins the race 

9.     A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed 

10.  Grasp All Lose All 

11.  The Judgment of a Wise Judge 

12.  Who is to Bell the Cat 

13.  A Golden Goose 

14.  A Fox without a Tail 

15.  Honesty is the Best Policy 

16.  Grapes Are Sour 

17.  A Foolish Crow and a Cunning Fox 

18.  An Ant and a Dove 

19.  An Ungrateful Wolf and a Deceived Crane 

20.  King Midas and the Golden Touch 

21.  Sheikh Saadi and His dress 

22.  An Honest Wood-cutter 

23.  An Ambitious Crow and His Sad End 

24.  A Greedy Woman and Her Hen 

25.  a beggar at Our Door


                                                                      1. Habib’s First Train Journey                                                                    

It was Habib’s first journey by train. He was going to his maternal uncle’s house to spend the summer vacation. After some time the train started to run. The ticket checker approached and told him that he was in a wrong train......

Habib became upset. He asked the checker whether he was going to wrong direction. The Checker replied that Habib was going to the wrong direction by a wrong train. Hearing this, Habib became helpless. A kind of panic seized him. He turned pale. He was at a loss what to do. He could not speak and became silent. He was about to cry. The ticket checker became astonished to see Habib’s behavior. It seemed to him that Habib might be an autistic or disabled boy. He asked Habib where his home district was. Habib replied that his home district was Jessore. The ticket checker smiled because his home district was the same. Naturally, he became sympathetic towards Habib.

The checker again asked how Habib was in a wrong train. Habib answered that it was his first train journey. Seeing the first train he got into it with other passengers. He did not see even the name of the train. Hearing all these, the ticket checker gave him some money instead of charging fine.At the next station, both of them got down from the train. The checker helped Habib buy a ticket for his destination and instructed him how he would go. Habib thanked the checker. After a while, his train came and he got on it. He reached his destination safely.


                                          2. Two Foolish Rats and a Cunning Monkey 

There lived two rats in a house. They were so happy. The led their lives by stealing food from the house. One day they together stole a piece of cake. They could not divide it between thems. They started to quarrel over their share. As they could not take decision, they went to a monkey for right division of their bread..........

They asked the monkey to divide the piece of bread equally. The monkey was very clever. He thought that he got a nice opportunity to have the bread. He assured them that he would divide the bread equally between them but they must give him some. The rats agreed. The monkey began to divide the piece of bread. he put the pieces on the two sides of a balance. As the pieces were not equal, one side became lighter than other. To make two sides equal, the monkey ate a bit off a portion from the heavier side and weighed again. But this time the lighter side became heavier and he again ate a portion from this heavier part. The monkey continued this trick many times. The piece of cake was becoming smaller and smaller. The rats could realize their foolishness and the monkey’s trick. They requested him to return the rest of the cake.

But the cruel monkey snatched the rest portion as his service charge. The rats returned to their master’s house with heavy heart scolding themselves for their foolishness.


                                                                          3. Bayazid's Devotion to Mother 

You will have heard the name of Bayazid Bostami. He loved his mother very much. His devotion to his mother is well known to all. One night Bayazid was studying while his mother was sleeping. Suddenly he heard that his mother was uttering, “water, water”. Bayazid went to his mother but found her sleeping. Then he went to the pitcher for water. Unfortunately, the pitcher was totally empty. It was deep dark night. But his love for mother removed all his fear. He took the pitcher and went outside to bring water.

The source of water was not near. He had to go to a spring far away from his house. After about two hours he returned home with water. He filled a glass of water and quickly went to his mother.

This time his mother was in deep sleep. He did not want to disturb his mother. He was standing beside his mother’s bed holding the glass of water. The night passed and at the time of Fazr prayer his mother woke up. She was surprised to see Bayazid standing with a glass of water her bed. When asked, Bayazid explained the fact. Her mother prayed  to Allah for Bayazid.

Almighty Allah granted her prayer. Bayazid Bostami became famous all over the world. Allah made him one of his greatest devotees.


                                                               4. A Liar Shepherd 

Once upon a time there was a shepherd in a village. He used to tend a flock of sheep in a nearby field. There was a thick forest next to the field. The shepherd was a great liar. He always got pleasure to cheat people with his lies. While tending sheep in the field, he often cried out, "Wolf, Wolf, help, help!”

Hearing his shouting the farmers usually left their work and rushed to him in order to save him. But when the farmers came to him, he said that the wolf had come but hearing the sounds of them it had fled away. In this way he often deceived the farmers. When the farmers went away, the boy laughed and got pleasure thinking that the farmers were foolish.

One day a wolf really came. The boy now cried aloud to attract the farmers. He cried and cried for help. No farmer responded to his crying because they thought that the shepherd was making fun with them. So, they did not come to help the boy. The wolf found the cowboy alone and killed him. After eating his flesh it went away. The liar shepherd was thus punished for his lie.

The moral this story is that we should not tell lies even as fun.


                                                            5. A Lion and a Mouse 

One day a lion was sleeping in its cave. A mouse was playing nearby. While playing, the mouse came on the lion's body. When it came on the lion’s ear, the lion woke up and became very angry. He caught the mouse and said, "O little mouse, how dare you tease me? I’ll kill you now.

Hearing this, the mouse became frightened. It apologized to the lion and begged for its life. It said, “O lion, if you kill a little poor creature like me, it will not be a justice. Please spare my life for this time. One day I may help you in your danger." Hearing this lion laughed. He said, “Are you strong enough to help me?” However, the lion did not kill the mouse and let it free. Some days later, the lion was caught in a hunter's net. The lion tried hard to set himself free but all his attempts were in vain. He began to roar. The mouse heard the roar of the lion. It came to the net quickly and said, "Don’t worry, please be quite. I will cut the net with my sharp teeth and you will be free." Then the mouse began to cut the net into pieces and set the lion free.

The lion became very grateful. He apologized to the mouse for his previous behavior. He said, "Dear little friend, you have saved my life. I’ve learnt a great lesson that even a little creature can help a big creature."

 6. Unity Is Strength 

Once there lived an old man in a village. He had three sons. They used to quarrel with one another. The old man was anxious of this matter. He was always in a gloomy mood. He thought how to stop the quarrel. The old man was intelligent. One day he found out a way to stop the quarrel. He made a plan.

According to his plan, he called his sons and told his elder son to bring some sticks. The elder son did so. Then he told him to tie the sticks in a bundle. Next, he called his elder son and told him to break the bundle. The elder son could not break the bundle. The same thing happened to the other two brothers. Then the three brothers tried together but failed.

The old man saw it and took the bundle in his hand. He untied the bundle and gave his each son a stick separately. Then he said, “Dear sons break the sticks.” This time all of them were able to break the stick.

Then the old man said, “My boys, you are like the sticks. When the sticks were together, you were not able to break them but when they were separated, you could break them easily. Now if you continue your quarrel, everyone will get chance to harm you. Remember, unity is strength. So try to be united. Don’t quarrel. If you quarrel, people will find your weaknesses and harm you easily.”

After that the three sons could understand the importance of unity. They stopped quarreling and made a good relationship with one another.


 7. A thirsty crow and a jar with little water 

Once upon a time, a crow became very thirsty. It was summer and the weather was very hot. There was little water in that place. The crow flew here and there looking for water. But it could not find water anywhere.  It seems that it was about to die for the thirst of water. But it did not lose heart.

The crow continued its search and found a pitcher beside a house. At once the crow went to the pitcher to have a drink from the pitcher. But it found that there was a little water at the bottom of the pitcher. The crow tried to drink water from the pitcher but failed. The water level was too far for the crow’s beak to reach. The crow looked around. It tried to find out a good plan. After thinking a while, he found a way when he saw some stone near the pitcher. At once it hit upon a plan. It picked up the stones one by one and dropped them into the pitcher. After dropping a number of stones, the water level in the jar roses high enough to reach. Now, the crow drank water to its satisfaction and quenched its thirst. Then it flew away in the sky with a contented mind. Thus the crow saved his life by the use of his ready wit.  


 8. Slow and steady wins the race 

Once there lived a hare and a tortoise side by side. The hare was proud of his quick speed and always teased the tortoise for his slow speed. In this way the tortoise was always disturbed by the hare. One day the tortoise said quietly that they should take part in a race competition. Hearing this, the hare was much amused. He thought that this is the time to tease and ridicule the tortoise with his heart's content. So, the hare joyfully accepted the proposal of a race competition. They fixed a date and place for the race.

A judge was obviously required for announcing the result of the race competition. So, they requested a fox to do the job. The tortoise and the hare came to the starting point. The race started. The hare began to run very fast at the beginning. She ran a mile in a few minutes. She found the tortoise far behind her. Then she stopped. She said to herself that she had gone so far from the tortoise. It’s impossible for the tortoise to reach her. So, she can take rest. After taking rest, she will run so fast and defeat the tortoise. Thinking so, the hare went to sleep in a bush. In the meantime, the tortoise was walking steadily without any pause. When he came to the bush, he saw the lazy hare lying asleep. He smiled and quietly passed by her.

A long time passed. The hare woke up. She saw that it was already evening. She immediately got up and started running. She began to run very fast. But alas! The tortoise had already gone far. She could see the goal. But the tortoise had already crossed the winning post. The hare felt much ashamed. She got a lesson of being proud. The tortoise got the reward of his sincere steadiness.


 9. A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed 

Once there were two friends living in the same village. They loved each other very much. The village people took it as a model. One day two friends were going through a dense forest. When they reached the middle of the forest, suddenly they saw a bear coming towards them. Both of them became frightened. One of the friends knew how to climb up a tree but the other was unable to do it. The first friend quickly climbed up a tree. He did not think about the safety of his friend.

The other friend became very upset. He was trembling with fear. He was at a loss what to do. But he did not lose heart. He was intelligent. He was thinking how he could save his life. If he ran, the bear would catch and kill him. he knew that a bear did not touch any dead body. So, he made a plan. He lay on the ground just like a dead man. The bear came and smelt his ear and nose. It thought that the man was dead. It left the place without doing any harm. Seeing his friend got down from the tree. He thought the bear might tell his friend something important. So he asked his friend what the bear whispered into his ears.

The first friend wanted to give his friend a good lesson. So, he said to his friend that the bear had whispered to him, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” The first friend understood his fault and became ashamed.


 10. Grasp All Lose All 

One day a hungry dog was looking for food. He was walking to and fro to have some food. But he did not get any opportunity. At last, he was wandering around a butcher’s shop and seeking opportunity to steal a piece of meat. After a while, the butcher went to wash room leaving his shop empty. The dog got a chance. He reached the shop quickly. He stole a piece of meat and ran away within a moment. The dog became happy to capture the piece of meat. Now, he was looking for a safe place to eat it. On his way there was a small bridge over a canal. He started to cross the canal. The water of the canal was crystal clear. While crossing the bridge, the fox was enjoying the natural scenery. Suddenly, he looked at the water of the canal. There was reflection of the dog in the static clean water of the canal. The dog thought that another dog with a piece of meat was walking there. So, he stopped to see the other dog clearly. He shook his face and the dog under the bridge also shook his face. The dog was sure about the other dog. The greedy dog became so much curious to have the piece of meat. So, he barked at his reflection. Soon, his own piece fell into the water. To get it back, he jumped into the canal. But he failed to regain it. After hard labour he got on the bank of the canal and thought himself, “Grasp all, lose all”.


 11. The Judgment of a Wise Judge 

Once a house master's a very precious piece of ornament was lost from his house. He searched for it here and there but failed. Then he asked the help from a judge.

The judge was very wise. He called all the servants of the master's house but the servants denied the charge. Then the judge hit upon a plan to detect the real thief. He gave each of them a stick of the same length and told them to submit the sticks the following day. He told them that the stick of the real thief would increase by an inch. Returning home, all the servants kept their sticks as they were innocent. But the thief shortened his stick by an inch. The next day when all submitted their sticks before the judge, the real thief was easily detected. Then the thief was given his due punishment.


 12. Who is to Bell the Cat 

There was an old house in a village. A number of Mice lived in the house. They were doing a lot of mischief there. The master of the house was very annoyed and made a plan. He brought a cat. As a result, the mice could not come out of their holes. One day all the mice sat together in order to find a way out. Different mice gave different suggestions, but none was found acceptable. At last a young mouse stood up and said, "If you kindly permit me, I can submit a proposal." All the mice looked eagerly at him and asked him to make his proposal. Then the young mouse said, "If we tie a bell around the cat's neck we'll be in a position to understand when the cat is coming to the barn and then we'll hasten into our holes. Before its coming, we'll be able to eat as much of the cereals as we need." All the mice praised the proposal except the old one. He stood up and said, "I've no doubt in my mind that the proposal is quite good, but who'll bell the cat?" Hearing this, all the mice began to look at one another and felt disappointed. Finding no solution, the mice eventually migrated to another place.


 13. A Golden Goose 

Once a farmer had a goose. It used to lay a golden egg every day. He thought, “This goose will make me rich!” After that, the farmer checked the straw every day. He found more golden eggs! Now the farmer spent most of his time just waiting and dreaming by the straw near the goose. He didn’t spend time with his wife and children. He could think about was becoming the richest man in the world. One day the farmer was getting impatient again, and his greedy thoughts wouldn’t go away. “I’ll be rich, rich, RICH!” Why doesn’t this silly goose lay another egg? Come on, goose. It’s been two days!” the impatient farmer scolded the goose.All of a sudden he had an idea. “Why don’t I cut open the goose and just take all the eggs out of her?” he thought. So, without thinking, he killed the goose and looked inside. And when he looked inside there were no eggs! And now that the mother goose was dead, there would be no more golden eggs at all! Poor goose! Poor farmer! The farmer had left his farm work so long, just waiting for the golden eggs, his farm came to ruin and he had to spend all the money from the golden eggs just to get back to where he started from.

 14. A Fox without a Tail 

One day a fox fell into a trap. He struggled hard but could not get free from the trap. At last he managed to be free but lost his tail. Without the tail the fox looked strange. The fox felt sad. He thought deeply. Then he made a plan to remove his sadness. According to his plan he called a meeting of all foxes. When all the foxes came, the victim fox said, "Dear friends, I've made a great discovery. Is there any necessity of our tails? Actually it has no use at all. Without my tail I feel so light and free. I can also run faster than before. So, cut off your ugly tails as I've done.”

All the foxes listened to his speech attentively. Many of them praised him and agreed to cut their tails off . When they were about to leave the meeting, an old wise fox understood the clever fox’s conspiracy and said, "Dear foxes, wait a bit and listen to me, please. Don't accept his suggestion. The fact is that fox fell into a trap and lost his tail. Now he looks ugly. He feels shy to go anywhere. So, he wants us all to look like him. Don't follow his advice."

Thus all the foxes understood the clever fox’s trick. The fox without a tail failed to be fool other foxes. He ran away quickly to save his life. Finally all the foxes thanked the old wise fox.


 15. Honesty is the Best Policy 

Once upon a time there was a poor farmer in a village. Though he was poor he was very honest. One day he was going to his land. On his way to the land he found a purse. He opened the purse and found that it was full of gold.

The farmer was surprised to see the purse of gold. Soon he returned home with the purse. Out of curiosity, he showed his wife the purse of gold though he knew that his wife was a greedy woman. The farmer asked his wife what he should do. His wife suggested him to go to any goldsmith to sell the gold. Thus they would become rich. The farmer did not agree with his wife. There continued a bit quarrel between the husband and wife for a while. The farmer was so strict in his honesty. His wife became angry and left the place.

The farmer decided to return the purse to its real owner. But he did not know the address of the owner. The farmer was intelligent. He emptied the purse and searched far and wide to find out the address of the owner. Fortunately, he found the address and went to the house of the owner. He handed over the purse to the owner. The owner of the purse became very happy and offered some money to the farmer. The farmer refused to take money and said that it was his responsibility to do the job and returned home.

The farmer’s wife said to him, “What reward were you given for your great job?” “Nothing.” replied the farmer. His wife started scolding him. The farmer said, “I haven’t been rewarded in this world but certainly I’ll be rewarded in the world here after by the almighty.


 16. Grapes Are Sour 

Once upon a time a fox lived beside a vineyard. He saw the people eating grapes from the garden. He hoped to have it. One day he became very hungry. He had nothing to eat. He went to the garden in search of fruit. He was walking to and fro and looking for any fruit to eat. But he did not find any fruit or food. He became upset. He became so hungry that he could not walk. At last he lay on the floor to take rest. While taking rest he was thinking deeply how he could manage food.

After a while he looked upward and found some ripe grapes hanging from the vine. But the grapes were too high to reach. The fox felt greedy to see the grapes. He wanted to eat some of them. He tried his best to climb up but failed. Then he jumped high to catch the grapes but this time he failed too. At last he became tired and disappointed.

Finally, the fox condoled himself saying, “Grapes are sour”.


 17. A Foolish Crow and a Cunning Fox 

Once there was a foolish crow in a village near a jungle. A clever fox also lived in the jungle. He often came out of the jungle and managed food for him. One day the crow stole a piece of meat from a butcher's shop. It flew away with it and sat on a branch of a tree. The cunning fox saw it and came under the tree. He was very hungry that day. So, he felt greedy to eat the piece of meat.

He thought for a while of having the piece of meat. He then began to praise the crow. He said, “My dear friend crow, you look very beautiful today.” He saw that the crow was not responding. The clever fox remained silent for some time. Then, he said to the crow, “You can sing very sweetly. Could you please sing a song? I’m eager to hear a song from you?”

This time the crow became flattered. So, it began to sing loudly. But no sooner had it opened its lips to sing than the piece of meat fell into the ground from its beak. At once the fox took it and began to eat. After eating the piece of meat, he said, “O friend crow, never be flattered by praising”. The crow became shocked realizing its fault.

 18. An Ant and a Dove 

Once upon a time there lived a dove in a jungle. One day he was sitting on the branch of a tree. The tree was on the bank of a small lake. Some ants also lived there. That very day the ants were searching food at the bank of the lake. Accidentally, an ant fell into the lake water. The ant became helpless. he tried to reach the bank by swimming but failed. He was about to drown.

The dove saw the fact. His mind stirred to save the ant but how he could do that. Soon he found a way. He tore a large leaf from the tree and fell it on the lake water. The ant got the leaf and got on it. The air drove the leaf to the bank and the ant was saved. The ant became highly grateful to the dove and said, “My dear friend, thank you for your help. I promise to help you if I can".

After a few days, the dove was sitting on the branch of the same tree. A hunter came to hunt bird and aimed his arrow at the dove. The ant saw it and came quickly to help his friend. Soon he bit at the leg of the hunter. The hunter screamed for pain and missed his aim. The dove flew away to a far tree and saved his life. Later, he thanked the ant for his help. They became good friends in the jungle.


 19. An Ungrateful Wolf and a Deceived Crane 

Once upon a time there lived a wolf in a jungle near a marsh. Many cranes and other birds passed their days in the marsh. One day, while the wolf was eating meat, a piece of bone was stuck in his throat. It was a great danger for the wolf. He felt so pain that he could not speak. He went to many birds and animals for help but none helped him to remove the bone from his throat. Actually, all the animals and birds and animals of the jungle did not love the wolf for his rude behaviour.

At last, he went to a crane staying in the marsh. He requested the crane to remove the bone from his throat. The crane agreed but demanded that the wolf would not disturb the weak birds and animals of the marsh in the jungle. The wolf promised to fulfill the demand. Then the crane pulled the bone out the wolf’s throat by his long beak. The wolf was relieved from his severe pain.

The wolf forgot his promise. He was about to leave the place. The crane said to him, “Please don’t break your promise.” The wolf replied, “Ha! ha! ha! You’re lucky that I did not eat up you when you pushed your dirty beak into my throat.” Saying this wolf went away. The crane uttered, “How ungrateful the wolf is!” He also thought himself, “Black will take no other hue.” 


 20. King Midas and the Golden Touch 

Once upon a time there was a king. His name was Midas. The king was very greedy. He was very much fond of gold. Although he had a lot of it, he wanted more. He thought if he had the golden touch he would be the happiest man in the world. He always thought it and wanted gold. Even he prayed to gods to fulfill his desire. At last a wise god granted his prayer.

But one day in the afternoon he was walking in his apple garden. Suddenly, a ripe apple fell from the apple tree. He wanted to pick it up. No sooner had he touched it than the apple turned into gold. From the garden he came to his palace. When he entered his palace, his little daughter ran up to him. The king took her in his arms. Instantly she turned into gold. The king became upset and frightened. He now wanted to be free from the boon of the god. He prayed to the god for this. The wise god accepted his prayer and took the golden touch boon from him. The daughter of the king turned into normal being again. The king felt relief and realized that too much greediness destroys everything.


 21. Sheikh Saadi and His dress 

You must have heard the name of great poet Sheikh Saadi. He was a great scholar of the He was very simple in his way of life. Persian. Once, the king of Persia invited the poet to his palace. The palace of the king was too far. It was impossible for anyone to reach there within one day. However, Saadi started for the king’s palace. On the way he took shelter in a rich man’s house.

The rich man underestimated him. He did not give him rich food. Saadi left the house of his host in the early morning and started for the king’s palace. When he reached the king’s palace, the king congratulated him with great honour. The poet recited his poems at the court and enchanted all the courtiers. The king was satisfied. He gave Saadi some beautiful dresses as presents. Sheikh Saadi put on one of the nice dresses. However, he left the palace of the king for his home. On the way. Saadi took shelter in the same house. The rich man could not understand that Saadi was his previous guest. Now seeing the nice dress of sadi the rich man gave him rich food and honoured him very much.

Now, a strange incident occurred. Sheikh Saadi did not eat the food. Rather he began to keep them in the pockets of his dress. The people of the house were astonished. They asked him about it. Sheikh Saadi said to them, “I took shelter in this house while I was going to the palace of the king. Then I was not well dressed. So you did not give me this kind of delicious food. I think my present rich dress deserves this food. So, I am doing so.” The owner as well as the people of the house realized their fault and apologized to their host for their deeds.   

 22. An Honest Wood-cutter 

There lived an honest wood-cutter in a village. His village was beside a jungle. He used to cut wood from the jungle, sold in the nearby market and bore his family expenses. He was not rich but passed his life with great happiness. One day, he was cutting wood near a pond in the jungle. At once his axe fell into the pond. The pond was very deep. The wood-cutter became very sad. He was at a loss what to do. Finding no other way, he prayed to God for help.

Then a strange incident occurred. A beautiful fairy came out of the water and advanced very near to the wood-cutter. The fairy asked him why he was not cutting wood. The wood-cutter described the incident in details. The fairy dived into the water and brought a silver axe. She asked him if it was his axe. The wood-cutter saw the axe and said, “No. It's not my axe." Then the fairy showed him another axe made of gold and asked, "Is this the axe that you lost?" The wood-cutter said, "No. it's not my axe. My axe was made of iron. It was old.” The fairy showed him the lost axe with a wooden handle. The wood-cutter then said happily that it was exactly his axe. Seeing the strict honesty of the wood-cutter the fairy became very pleased and gave him both the gold and the silver axes along with his old iron axe. Then, the wood-cutter became rich by selling two new precious axes. He left the deed of cutting wood and began to live happily. It was the reward of his honesty.

   23. An Ambitious Crow and His Sad End 

Once upon time, a crow became very sad while thinking of his ugly colour. He always thought of becoming beautiful. But he could not find out any way to be beautiful. He always sought chance and means to become beautiful. One day he got a chance. While walking through a jungle he found some feathers of a peacock. He took the opportunity of using the feathers of the peacock to fulfill his goal.  Instantly he hit upon a plan. Soon he began to pick the feathers one by one. stuck them among his own feathers. After using all the feathers, the crow now looked at his own body. He was very delighted to see his own beauty. He looked like a beautiful peacock. He began to dance and sing. He decided that he would no longer live with the ugly crows. He thought that he should live with the peacocks. But ‘black will take no other hue’. Though the crow’s body turned nice, his behaviour did not change. He was not able to keep pace with the peacocks. Soon the peacocks found out that he was just a crow in the guise of a peacock. Then all the peacocks of the jungle assembled and attacked the false peacock. They pulled all the feathers out and drove the crow away. The crow was punished enough for his pride. He became helpless. Finding no other way, he returned to the crows. Unfortunately, the crows did not accept him. They also left him. At last the crow realized his fault. Finally he thought himself, ‘Over ambition and pride are not good. 

 24. A Greedy Woman and Her Hen 

Once upon a time there was lucky farmer in a village. He has a wonderful hen. The hen used to lay a golden egg every day. The farmer used to sell the golden eggs to the goldsmith and earned much money. Thus the farmer became solvent within short time.

The farmer’s days were going on well. But his wife was a very greedy woman. She was so greedy that she could not resist her temptation to be rich overnight. She thought that there might be many eggs in the hen’s belly. Then she shared the idea with his husband. Her husband did not agree with her. He told her wife not to be so greedy. They had enough wealth to run their family well.

One day the farmer went to his fields. The greedy woman got a chance. She took a sharp knife. She killed the hen. She cut the belly of the hen. But alas! There was no egg in the belly fields. She did not get any egg and lost the hen as well.

In the evening, the farmer returned home. He saw his wife crying in a room. The farmer asked her wife, “What happened”. His wife told him the fact in details. His wife begged pardon from his husband. The farmer said nothing. He only utters himself, “Grasp all, lose all”.

 25. A Beggar at Our Door 

Once a beggar  came to our house. He wore dirty dress. He was physically weak and could not speak clearly. He was about to fall down. He told me that he did not eat for all day long and failed to manage enough food for his family. I felt pity on him. I called my mother and told her about the beggar. She took her in our house and gave some food. The beggar became very happy and began to eat very quickly. After eating, he prayed to Allah for us. He also wished me so that I could shine in life. Then he told us that his wife was very sick. She could not work. He had five children. They were also hungry. He requested my mother to give some food for them. My mother gave some food for his family. She also gave some money for his wife's treatment. He looked at us with so much gratitude. Tear rolled down his face. He said nothing and left our house. We stared at his going.   


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