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Class: Eight, Sub: English: Unit: 1, Lessone: 4, Mita, Zara, Mr. and Mrs Islam all sit at the lounge.

ইউনিট-, লেসন- ()

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it (1-7):
Mita, Zara, Mr. and Mrs Islam all sit at the lounge.
They all have hand luggage with them. Mr. Islam asks, ‘Mita, Zara, are you two carrying any liquid, lotion, gel or cream in your carry-on luggage?’ ‘I have a small lip gel in it. Why uncle?’ ‘Well, if it is a very small one, there is no problem. But if you’ve more than 100 ml, you have to put it in the checked in luggage. These are not allowed on board in hand luggage. For security reasons, the officials who do the baggage checking will seize and throw them away.’ Mita, Zara, Jhuma Islam and Mazharul Islam go through the security checking and wait in the enclosed area All the formalities are done. Now they are waiting to board the plane.
Mita, Zara and her parents board the plane after their row number is announced. Mita gets a window seat. Her seat number is F23C. Zara sits beside her on an aisle seat and her parents sit behind them.
1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
(a) They all are — at the lounge.
(i) Standing (ii) walking (iii) sitting (iv) sleeping
(b) They all — hand luggage with them.
(i) buy (ii) carry (iii) show (iv) check
(c) Liquid is not — on a plane.
(i) banned (ii) allowed
(iii) given (iv) sold
(d) Mr. Mazharul Islam gives Mita — .
(i) lip gel (ii) luggage (iii) advice (iv) lotion
(e) They — their row number and boarded the plane.
(i) heard (ii) told (iii) ignored (iv) refused
(f) Mr. Mazaharul Islam works as their — .
(i) guide (ii) pilot (iii) guardian (iv) captain
(g) Mita had a — lip gel in her luggage.
(i) heavy (ii) small
(iii) beautiful (iv) black.
(h) They cannot — any liquid with them.
(i) carry (ii) leave (iii) use (iv) throw
(i) All the formalities are done to — on the plane.
(i) board (ii) get (iii) catch (iv) take
(j) Mita got a seat — the window.
(i) at (ii) by (iii) on (iv) through
(k) F23C, is Zara’s — .
(i) ID number (ii) Passport number
(iii) seat number (iv) visa number
(l) Liquid less than — is allowed to carry in hand luggage.
(i) 100 ml (ii) 150 ml (iii) 200 ml (iv) 250 ml
(m) Who sits on an aisle seat?
(i) Mita (ii) Zara (iii) Mita’s uncle (iv) Mita’s aunt
(n) Mr. Mazharul Islam is Mita’s — .
(i) Father (ii) friend (iii) uncle (iv) cousin
(o) For security checking they went to the —.
(i) enclosed area (ii) lounge
(iii) checking post (iv) ticket counter
Answer to the Question no.1:
(a) iii) sitting, (i) i) board,
(b) ii) carry, (j) ii) by,
(c) ii) allowed, (k) iii) seat number,
(d) iii) advice, (l) i) 100 ml,
(e) i) heard, (m) ii) zara,
(f) iii) guardian, (n) iii) uncle,
(g) ii) small, (o) i) enclosed area.
(h) i) carry,
2. Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) Where did Mita and Zara sit?
(b) Why did they go to the enclosed area?
(c) What is not allowed on the plane?
(d) Why is liquid not allowed on the plane?
(e) When did they board the plane?
(f) Who had a small lip gel in hand luggage?
(g) How much liquid is allowed to carry in hand luggage?
(h) Who gave some advice to Mita?
(i) Where did they go for security checking?
(j) Where did Mita sit in the plane?
 Answer to the Question no. 2 :
(a) Mita and Zara sat at the lounge.
(b) They went to the enclosed area for security checking.
(c) No liquid is allowed on the plane.
(d) Liquid is not allowed on the plane for security reasons.
(e) They boarded the plane after their row number had been announced.
(f) Mita had a small lip gel in hand luggage.
(g) Liquid less than 100 ml is allowed to carry in hand luggage.
(h) Mita’s uncle Mr. Mazharul Islam gave some advice to Mita.
(i) They went to the enclosed area for security checking.

(j) Mita sat by the window in the plane.
3. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text.
Mita, Zara and her parents are now (a) — at the lounge. All of them have (b) — luggage with them. Mita’s uncle asks her if she has any (c) — in her hand luggage. Mita says that she has a (d) — lip gel in it. Then he tells her that she cannot (e) — any liquid more than 100 ml on (f) —. The airport officials don’t (g) — any passenger to take such things (h) — boarding a plane.
Answer to the Question no. 3 :
(a) sitting, (b) hand, (c) liquid, (d) small, (e) carry, (f) board, (g) allow, (h) while.
4. Read the following substitution table and make five appropriate sentences.
Mita do beside Mita.
Mita, Zara and Zara's parents board the plane a small lip gel in her hand luggage.
The officials is carrying hand luggage with them.
Zara all have the baggage checking.
They sits after their row number is announced
Answer to the Question no. 4 :
(a) Mita is carrying a small lip gel in her hand luggage.
(b) Mita, Zara and Zara’s parents all have hand luggage with them.
(c) The officials do the baggage checking.
(d) Zara sits beside Mita.
(e) They board the plane after their row number is announced.
5. Read the above passage again. Now, write a paragraph using the clues in the below. Write the information in the correct sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.
Answer to the Question no. 5 :
Mita, Zara and her parents are sitting at the lounge with their hand luggage. Mita has a small lip gel in her luggage. Her uncle Mr. Mazharul Islam tells her that liquid is not allowed on board. Then they go to face checking. The security officials tell them to go through the security checking. Then they wait in the enclosed area. After all the formalities are done, they are waiting to get on the plane. When their row number is announced, they board the plane.
6. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in the correct order.
Mita, Zara and Zara’s parents go through the security checking. They all have hand luggage with them. They board the plane after their row number is announced. Mita, Zara, Mr. and Mrs. Islam all sit at the lounge. They wait in the enclosed area.
Answer to the Question no. 6 :
Mita, Zara, Mr. and Mrs. Islam all sit at the lounge. They all have hand luggage with them. Mita, Zara and Zara’s parents go through the security checking. They wait in the enclosed area. They board the plane after their row number is announced.
7. Read the passage again. Now, Write a summary at the passage.
Answer to the Question no. 7 :
Mita, Zara, Mr. and Mrs. Islam wait in the lounge with their hand luggage. Mr. Islam informs that liquid is not allowed on board in hand luggage for security reason. After going through the security checking, they wait in the enclosed area. All the formalities being done, they board the plane and Mita gets a window seat.


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