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Zara’s parents Mrs. Jhuma Islam, Mr. Mazharul Islam, Zara and Mita

Read the passage carefully and answer the questions following it (1-7).
Zara’s parents Mrs. Jhuma Islam, Mr. Mazharul Islam, Zara and Mita, fill in their departure cards and move towards the immigration counter. Mita stands in front of one of the booths. She hands in here passport and the departure card to the officer. The immigration officer goes through Mita’s passport, visa and the departure card, ‘Are you traveling alone?’ asks the officer, ‘No, I’m going with my aunt, uncle and cousin,’ says Mita.
‘They are right there on that counter.’
‘Is this your first visit to Thailand?’
‘How long are you going to stay there?’
‘Seven to ten days.’
‘Where are you going to stay?’
‘In a hotel.’
The officer is talking as well as going through Mita’s papers. He finds the papers Ok. He smiles and stamps her passport. The officer keeps the departure card and returns the passport to Mita.
‘Have a safe Journey.’
Mita waits for her aunt, uncle and Zara on the other side of the immigration. Once all of them are done, they walk towards the passengers departure lounge.

1. Choose the best answer from the alternatives.
a. The immigration officer was a very — man.
(i) rude (ii) nice
(iii) proud (iv) boring
b. Mita is at the airport to — on the plane.
(i) sit (ii) set (iii) walk (iv) get
c. The officer keeps the — card.
(i) ID (ii) visiting
(iii) departure (iv) medical
d. They fill in the forms and — towards immigration counter.
(i) return (ii) go (iii) run (iv) look
e. Mita — the questions of the officer.
(i) answers (ii) writes
(iii) hears (iv) repeats
f. The immigration officer is very —.
(i) shy (ii) cruel (iii) polite (iv) mean
g. The officer — Mita’s papers.
(i) examines (ii) copies (iii) cancels (iv) tokes
h. Mita is — with the officer.
(i) angry (ii) bored
(iii) pleased (iv) annoyed
i. The officer is talking as well as — through Mita’s papers.
(i) looking (ii) going (iii) cutting (iv) writing
j. They are going to — Thailand.
(i) live (ii) visit (iii) stay (iv) study
k. They will stay in Thailand for —.
(i) seven to ten days (ii) two to five days
(iii) three to six days (iv) five to ten days
l. They will stay — in Thailand.
(i) in their house (ii) in their relatives house
(iii) in a hotel (iv) in a palace
m. The immigration officer found Mita’s papers —.
(i) insufficient (ii) wrong (iii) ok (iv) irrelevant
n. Mita hands in her passport and the departure card to —.
(i) the officer (ii) Zara (iii) her parents (iv) the pilot
o. On the other side of the immigration Mita waits for —.
(i) her parents (ii) Zara (iii) her husband (iv) for her aunt, uncle and Zara

2. Answer to the Question no. 1:
a. ii) nice b. iv) get
c. iii) departure d. ii) go
e. i) answers f. iii) polite
g. i) examines h. iii) pleased
i. ii) going j. ii) visit
k. i) seven to ten days l. iii) in a hotel
m. iii) ok n. i) the officer
o. iv) for her aunt, uncle and Zara.
2. Give short answers to the following questions.
(a) Where does Mita stand?
(b) What does she hand over to the officer?
(c) Who examines her papers?
(d) How long will they stay in Thailand?
(e) Where will they stay in Thailand?
(f) With whom is Mita going to Thailand?
(g) Where did they go after filling in their departure cards?
(h) What does the immigration officer return to Mita?
(i) What does the immigration officer keep from Mita?
(j) What did the immigration officer wish Mita?

3. Answer to the Question no. 2 :
(a) Mita stands in front of one of the booths.
(b) She hands over her passport and the departure card to the officer.
(c) The immigration officer examines her papers.
(d) They will stay in Thailand for seven to ten days.
(f) They will stay in a hotel in Thailand.
(f) Mita is going to Thailand with her aunt, uncle and her cousin, Zara
(g) They went to the immigration counter after filling in their departure cards.
(h) The officer returns the passport to Mita.
(i) The officer keeps the departure card from Mita.
(j) The officer wished Mita a safe journey.

4. Fill in the blanks with suitable words from the text.
Mita, Zara and her parents had to (a) — in the departure cards. Then they (b) — towards the immigration counter. They handed in their. (c) — and departure cards to the (d) — officer. The officer went (e) — Mita’s passport, visa and the departure card. While he was (f) — through the papers, he (g)— Mita a lot of questions. He asked if she was traveling alone, if it was her (h) — trip to Thailand.

5. Answer to the Question no. 3 :
(a) fill; (b) moved/proceeded; (c) passports; (d) immigration; (e) through; (f) going; (g) asked; (h) first.
4. Read the following substitution table and make five appropriate sentences.
Filling in their departure cards is Mita's stay in a hotel in Thailand
Mita goes through towards the immigration counter
It they move her passport to the officer
The immigration officer are going to Mita's papers
They hands in first visit to Thailand.

6. Answer to the Question no. 4 :
(a) Filling in their departure cards. They move towards the immigration counter.
(b) Mita hands in her passport to the officer.
(c) It is Mita’s first visit to Thailand.
(d) The immigration officer goes through Mita’s papers.
(e) They are going to stay in a hotel in Thailand.

7. Read the above passage again. Now, write a paragraph using the clues in the list below. Write the information in the correct sequence as it appears in the text. The paragraph should not exceed 70 words.
fill—in move—hand —in go—through—ask—okay —walk

8.Answer to the Question no. 5 :
Zara’s parents, Zara and Mita are now in front of the immigration officer. They have already filled in their departure cards.
Then they move towards the immigration counter. Mita hands in her papers to the officer. The officer goes through her passport, visa and departure card. He asks Mita some questions. As everything is okay, he stamps her passport and wishes her a safe journey. After everything was done, all of them walked towards the passengers departure lounge.

 9. The following sentences are in wrong order. Write them in the correct order.
The officer keeps the departure card and returns the passport to Mita. Mita stands in front at one of the booths. Zara’s parents, Zara and Mita move towards the immigration counter. He finds the papers ok. She hands in her passport and the departure card to the officer.
Answer to the Question no. 6 :
Zara’s parents, Zara and Mita move towards the immigration counter. Mita stands in front of one of the booths. She hands in her passport and the departure card to the officer. He finds the papers ok. The officer keeps the departure card and returns the passport to Mita.

10. Read the passage again. Now, write a summary of the passage.
Answer to the Question no. 7 :
After filling in their departure card, Zara’s parents Mrs. Jhuma Islam, Mr. Mazharul Islam, Zara and Mita move towards the immigration counter. Mita hands over her passport and the departure card to the immigration officer who goes through them. The officer asks her whether she is going alone or not while she replies in the negative. When asked, she replies that she will stay in a hotel in Thailand. After going through her paper, the officer wishes her a safe journey.


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