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Class: Four, Sub: English, Unit 3, Aziz Ahmads parents also live with the family

Class: Four, Sub: English


Read the text and answer the question 1, 2, 3 and

Aziz Ahmad's parents also live with the family. His father Altaf Uddin is 68 yeas old. He doesn’t work now, but he was a government officer. Jahanara Begum is Aziz Ahmeds mother, She is 64. She is a homemaker, She reads stories to Farzana and Jamil. They both play carrom  and ludu with their grandchildren.

1. Match the words in column. A with their meanings in column. B Two extra meanings have been given in column B.


Column A

Column B

a) parents

i) at present

c) family

ii) to do something productive

d) work

iii) father and mother

e) live

iv) time when one does not work


v) a group of people related by blood or marriage.


vi) to reside in somewhere permanently


vii) for a long time.






a) parents father and mother.

b) Family a group of people related by blood or marriage.

c) now at present,

d) work to do something productive.

e) live to reside in somewhere permanently.

2. Write whether the following statements are true of false.

a) Both Mr and Mrs Ahmed are elderly.

b) Mr and Mrs Ahmed take part in outdoor games.

c) Mr Altaf Uddin is a former employed of the government.

e) The text ends with proper noun.

f) Mr Ahmed is a good story teller.

Ans: a) True b) False c) True d) False e) False f) False

3. Answer the following questions:

a) Who do Farzana and Jamil live with?

b) What is Altaf Uddin?

c) Who looks after the household chores?

d) Who play carrom and ludu?

e) Whom does Jahanara Bagum read stories to?

f) How older is Mr Altaf than Mrs Altaf?


a) Farzana and Jamil live with their parents and grandparents.

b) Altf Uddin is a retired gov. officer.

c) Jahanara Begum looks after household chores.

d) Altaf Uddin . Jahanara Begum Farzana and Jamit. Play carrom and ludu.

e) Jahanara Begum reads stories to Farzzana and Jamil.

f) Mr Altaf is older them Mrs Altaf by four years.


Read the text and answer the question-5,6,7 and 8

Lima had bird in a cage. Her father got it for her from a bird shop. It was a parrot. It had green feathers and a red beak. Its beautiful, I m so happy Thank you mother, Thank you father said lima she called her Mimi, Mimi flew here to there  in the house. She liked to be near Lima. Every morning she had a bath. She jumped in the tub. Her wings got wet, Then she hopped onto the bar of the cage, Mother put her food in the cage, But she liked to have it with lima. She talked to there a lot. Mimi was learning go talk. She called Lima by name. They put her into the cage when they went out. It made her very sad when they did that. She made a lot of noise when they came back. Lima was very fond of her.

5. Fill in the blanks with the given words, Three extra words have been given?









a) Lima liked to have a ---------- bird on her birthday.

b) The bird was a ---------- .

c) Father---------- it for her form a bird shop.

d) Mimi liked to---------- with  Lima.

e) Lima was very---------- of Mimi.

Anss: a) Put b) parrot c) bought d) eat e) fond

6. Write whether the following statements are true or False.

a) Lima had a pet bird.

b) Limas father forbade her to pet any bird.]

c) Limas father bough a cat,

d) Mimi Liked Limas company.

e) The text begins with a noun and ends with a pronoun.

f) The parrot is a scavenger bird.

Anss: a) True b) False c) False d) True e) True f) False

7. Answer the following questions:

a) What did lima have from father?

b) How were the parrots feathers?

c) What did lima call the bird?

d) What did Mimi like?

e) What did not Mimi like?


a) Lima had a parrot from the father.

b) The parrots feathers were green.

c) Lima called the bird Mimi.

d) Mimi liked to be with lima.

e) Mimi did not like to be in the cage.

8. Suppose, you are selim. Altaf is your friend. He wanted to know about your pet animal. Now write a letter to your friend telling him about it in at least 6 sentences . Here are some words to help you: address, date, solution. main points of the letter, closing ,


Town Hall, Feni

February 6.2019

Dear Altaf

Hope you are fine. You wanted me to write to you about my pet animal. Here  I am writing about it.

I have a pet parrot. I call it lily. It is very beautiful. It does not like t be in the cage. It enjoys my company. It shows us various entertaining gestures, I am very fond of my pet bird.

NO more today. Hope to near from you soon.

Your friend



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