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Class: Five, Sub: English Topic: Seen Passage, Question Type 1-4, Sima and Tomal are in the Town Hall Language Club


Class: Five, Sub: English Topic: Seen Passage, Question Type 1-4, 

Sima and Tomal are in the Town Hall Language Club

Question Type 1 - 4 :


Read the text and answer the questions  1, 2, 3 and 4 (text [Unit 1: Lesson 4-5]

Sima and Tomal are in the Town Hall Language Club. They come to the club to practice speaking English.

They listen to CDs and watch DVDs in English, or practice English with friends. Today there is a new person in the club. He is reading a book about Bangladesh.

Sima        :   Look, Tamal! Who’s that gentleman? Do you know him!

Tamal     :   Yes, That’s Andy Smith. He’s working with an NGO here. I met him yesterday at the bookshop.

Sima        :   Maybe we can practice our English with him.

Tamal     :   Good idea. I’ll introduce you to him. Come with me.

1.     Write the answer on the answer paper

i)        The story is about ––.                                         a

          A      a language club        

          B      speaking English

          C     a foreigner                 

          D     friendship

ii)      People come to the Language Club to ––.     c

          A      listen to music            B      meet friends

          C     practice language      D      sit alone

iii)     Sima and Tomal watch ––.                               b

          A      CD                                B      DVD

          C     TV                                D      Computer

iv)     –– is reading a book in the club.                      c                                                                                                         

                A         Tamal                                         B          Sima

                C         Andy                                            D         Adam

v)       Where does Andy Smith work?                       b

          A      Language Club          B      NGO

          C     Bookshop                   D      Bank

vi)     Who met Andy at the book store?                          a

          A      Tamal                          B      Sima

          C     Sumon                         D      Kamal

vii)    Sima and Tamal ¾to the Language Club.                        c

          A      comes                          B      coming

          C     come                            D      goes

viii)   Andy is reading a book about                           a

          A      Bangladesh

          B      America

          C     England

          D     India

ix)     The word 'DVD' means ¾.                               c

          A      Digital visual Disk

          B      Digital volume Disk

          C     Digital versatile Disk

          D     Delete video Dist

x)    Who proposes to practice English with Andy? a                                                                                                a

          A      Sima                            B      Tamal

          C     Kamal                         D      Sima & Tomal

2.     Fill in the blanks.

a)   Sima and Tomal come to the Town Hall language Club for ¾¾ speaking English.

b)   Sima and Tomal practice speaking English ¾¾ their friends.

c)   Andy Smith  works with ¾¾ NGO.

d)   Tamal met Andy ¾¾ the  bookshop.

e)   Andy is a/an ¾¾ man.

Ans. a) practicing b) with c) an d) at e) young

3.     Answer the following questions.

a)    Why do Sima and Tamal go to the Town Hall Language Club?

        Ans. Sima and Tomal go to the Town Hall Language Club to practice speaking English.

b)    Who is reading in the Language Club?

        Ans. Andy is reading in the Language Club.

c)    Where did Tamal meet Andy for the first time?

        Ans. Tomal met Andy at the bookshop for the first time.

d)    Why does Sima want to meet Andy?

        Ans. Sima want to meet Andy so that she can practice English with him.

e)    What is Andy reading about?

        Ans. Andy is reading about Bangladesh.

Additional Questions :

f)    Where are Sima and Tamal? 

        Ans. Sima and Tamal are in the Town Hall Language Club.

g)    Where does Andy Smith work?

        Ans. Andy Smith works with an NGO.

h)    Why do people go to Language Club?

        Ans. People go to Language Club to learn English.

4.     Write 5 sentences about an 'English Language Club'.

        or, Write a short composition on 'An English Language Club' in five sentences by answering the following questions.

a)    What is an English Language Club?

b)    What do the language learners do there?

c)     How do the club help people?


"An English Language Club"

An English Language Club is a place where people come to practice English. They read English newspapers and magazines there. They listen to CD and watch movies on DVD too. They also practice speaking English. The club plays an important role to improve their English.

Additional Question

        Write 5 sentences about how you can improve your English.

        or, Write a short composition on 'How to Improve English' in five sentences by answering the following questions.

a)    What sort of language is English?

b)    Why should you improve English?

c)     The steps you should take to improve your English.

Ans.       "How to Improve English"

English is an international language. We should improve English to communicate clearly with the people of other countries. We should watch English news and cartoons on TV and read English newspapers or story books daily to improve our English. In the classroom, we should practice speaking English with our classmates and teachers. Apart from these, we can go to English language Club to improve our English.

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