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Class: Five Sub: Englsih, Unit 3: Lessons 1-2, Saikat Islam lives with his parents in a flat in Bogra


Unit 3: Lessons 1-2]

Read the text and answer the questions 1, 2, 3 and 4  

Saikat Islam lives with his parents in a flat in Bogra. His father Mr. Rashidul Islam is a banker. But in his free time Mr. Islam writes stories and listens to music. Saikat’s mother is Mrs. Monwara Islam. She is a housewife. In her free time she enjoys sewing. She makes dresses. She often gets orders from her friends and neighbours.

Saikat is in class five. He is a good student. He wants to improve his English, so he watches cartoons on TV every day. He also reads English books. He likes books about animals, especially tigers and lions.

1.     Write the answers on the answer paper.

i)        What is the story about?                                                d                                                                                                         

          A      Saikat's father    B      Saikat's mother

          C     Saikat's school   D     Saikat's life

ii)      Saikat lives in ¾¾.                                                                                                                  c               

          A      Dhaka                 B      Comilla

          C     Bogra                   D     Sylhet

iii)     Saikat watches cartoons on TV because ¾¾.                                                         a

          A      he wants to improve his English

          B      he wants to be a cartoonist

          C     he enjoys it very much

          D     he is addicted to cartoon

iv)     "Saikat lives with his parents in a flat." Here flat means.                                       b

          A      slum                     B      apartment

          C     office                   D     street

v)       Who loves sewing?                                                                                                      c

          A      Saikat                  B      Saikat's father

          C     Saikat's mother  D     Saikat's friend

vi)     English story books are read everyday by ¾¾.                                                                     d

          A      Saikat's father    B      Saikat's mother

          C     Saikat's friend    D     Saikat

vii)    Mrs. Monwara loves sewing because ¾¾.                                                                     b

          A      she is poor

          B      she has free time

          C     she is interested in sewing

          D     she has no other way

viii)   When Mr. Islam gets free time, he ¾¾.                                                                   c

          A      plays games       B      watches TV

          C     writes stories       D     teaches Saikat

ix)     Saikat reads English story books because he ¾¾.                                                            d

          A      wants to be an English writer

          B      wants to go abroad

          C     wants to be a doctor

          D     wants to improve his English

x)       Why does Mr. Islam write stories?                                                                         c

          A      To be a story writer

          B      So that he can improve his writing

          C     It is his hobby

          D     He has no other work to do

Additional Questions :

xi)     Saikat lives with his ¾¾.                                                                                         b

          A      friends                 B      parents

          C     cousins                D     relatives

xii)    Saikat lives in a ¾¾.                                                                                                 a

          A      flat                       B      hut

          C     brick-built house        D                           slum

xiii)   Saikat is the inhabitant of ¾¾.                                                                                  c

          A      Dhaka                 B      Sylhet

          C     Bogra                   D     Rajshahi

xiv)   Saikat's father works in a ¾¾.                                                                                  b

          A      firm                      B      bank

          C     school                  D     college

xv)    In his free time Mr. Islam writes ¾¾.                                                                       d

          A      novels                  B      poems

          C     dramas                D     stories

xvi)   What is Saikat's mother?                                                                                             b

          A      A female singer  B      A housewife

          C     A dress-maker    D     A teacher

xvii)  Listening to music is Mr. Islam's ¾¾.                                                                      a

          A      hobby                  B      profession

          C     extra work          D     main work

xviii)  Saikat wants to ¾¾ his English.                                                                              a

          A      develop               B      correct

          C     teach                    D     learn

xix)   As a student Saikat is ¾¾.                                                                                       d

          A      dull                       B      weak

          C     lazy                      D     brilliant

xx)    The word 'free time' is similar to ¾¾.                                                                    c

          A      busy time            B      working time

          C     leisure                  D     hobby

xxi)   Saikat does not ¾¾.                                                                                                  b

          A      study in class five

          B      make dresses

          C     watch cartoons

          D     want to improve his English

xxii)  What does Saikat want to improve?                                                                                          c

          A      Listening             B      Speaking

          C     English                 D     Math

xxiii)   What is Saikat?                                                                                                       d

          A      a worker              B      a singer

          C     a cricketer           D         a student

xxiv) Saikat is a student of a ¾¾.                                                                                    d

          A      university            B      college

          C     high school         D     primary school

xxv)  In order to improve our English, we should ¾¾.                                                  d

          A      watch cartoons on TV

          B      read English story books

          C     Practice speaking English

          D     do all of these

xxvi) Saikat likes books about ¾¾.                                                                                 c

          A      cat & dogs          B      horse & tigers

          C     tigers & lions       D     lions & horse

2.     Match the words of the column A with their meaning that is mentioned in the text in the column B (There are two extras)

Column A

Column B

a)   Flat

b)   Housewife

c)   Cartoons

d)   Usually

e)   Dinner

i)      a formal evening meal

ii)     animated film

iii)    in a way that is usual or normal

iv)    a set of rooms for living in

v)     mistress of a house

vi)    a formal morning meal

vii)   very hussy

Ans. a) + iv,   b) + v,   c) + ii,   d) + iii,  e) + i.

            Additional Question

Column A

Column B

a)   Parents

b)   Housewife

c)   Want

d)   Improve

e)   Good

i)      of high quality or standard

ii)     father and mother

iii)    without delay

iv)    a woman who completes the household work

v)     to wish to get something

vi)    to do better

vii)   direct

Ans. a) + ii,   b) + iv,   c) + v,   d) + vi,  e) + i.

or,    Fill in the blanks.

a)    Saikat ¾¾ with his parents.

b)    Mr. Islam is Saikat's ¾¾.

c)     Saikat and his family live in ¾¾.

d)    Mr. Islam writes stories in his ¾¾ time.

e)     Saikat's mother is a ¾¾.

            Ans. a) lives; b) father; c) Bogra; d) free; e) housewife.

Additional Question

(i)    a)    ¾¾ is liked by Monwara Islam.

b)    She often gets the ¾¾ of making dresses from her friends and neighbours.

c)     Saikat ¾¾ a student of class five.

d)    He wants his ¾¾ in English.

e)     Watching cartoons and reading English story is ¾¾ to learn English.

        Ans. a) Sewing; b) orders; c) is; d) improvement;
e) helpful.

(ii)   a)    Saikat ¾¾ in a flat.

b)    Saikat's father works in a ¾¾.

c)     Mr. Islam is fond of ¾¾.

d)    Monwara Islam looks after her ¾¾.

e)     Saikat is a ¾¾ student.

            Ans. a) dwells; b) bank; c) music; d) family; e) bright.

3.     Answer the following questions.

a)       What does Saikat watch daily on TV?

          Ans. Saikat watches cartoons on TV daily.

b)       What is Saikat's mother?

                Ans. Saikat's mother is a housewife.

c)       Write three sentences about Saikat's family.

          Ans. Saikat's father is a banker. Saikat's mother is a housewife and she loves sewing in her free time. Saikat reads in class five and he is a good student.

d)       Whom does Saikat live with?

          Ans. Saikat lives with his parents in a falt in Bogra.

e)       What does Mr. Islam write in his free time?

          Ans. Mr. Islam writes stories in his free time.

Additional Questions

 f)      How do you spend your leisure?

          Ans. I spend my leisure by reading books, watching TV and playing with my friends.

g)       Where does Saikat's family live?

          Ans. Saikat's family lives in a flat in Bogra.

h)       What does Monwara Islam do in her free time?

          Ans. Monwara Islam loves sewing in her free time.

i)        Which class does Saikat read in?

          Ans. Saikat reads in class V.

j)        Why does Saikat want to watch cartoons on TV?

          Ans. Saikat wants to watch cartoons on TV because he wants to improve his English.

k)       Where and who does Saikat live with?

          Ans. Saikat lives with his parents in a flat in Bogra.

l)        What is Monwara Islam?

          Ans. Monwara Islam is a housewife.

m)     What does she love to do for her friends and neighbours?

          Ans. She loves to make dresses for her friends and neighbours.

n)       What does Saikat do to improve his English?

          Ans. Saikat watches cartoons on TV and reads English story books everyday to improve his English.

4.     Write five sentences about Saikat's family.

        Or, Write 5 sentences about Saikat’s family answering the given set of questions related to the text.

        a) With whom and where does Saikat live?

        b) What are his parents' names and what do they do?

        c) What do his parents do in their leisure time?

Ans.                     Saikat's Family

Saikat lives with his parents in a flat in Bogra. His father's name is Mr. Islam and his mother's name is Monwara Islam. Mr Islam is a banker while Monwara Islam is a housewife. Mr. Islam writes stories or listen to music at his leisure. On the other hand, Monwara Islam enjoys sewing in her spare time.

Additional Question

        Write a short composition on "Your Family" by answering the following questions.

        a) Where do you live and what class do you read in?

        b) What are your father and mother?

        c) What does your father do in his free time?

        d) What does your mother love in her free time?

        e) What do you do to improve your English?

        Ans.                          My Family

I live with my parents in a flat in Dhaka and read in class five. My father is a banker and my mother is a housewife. My father writes stories in his free time. My mother loves making clothes in her free time. I watch cartoons on TV and read English story books everyday to improve my English.

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